
Founded in 2003 by Louisville singer/guitarist Ryan Patterson and including bass player Kayhan Vaziri and drummer Carter Wilson, power trio Coliseum grew to become one of the young millennium’s quintessential contemporary punk bands. They successfully melded progressive musicianship, hardcore fervor, and vital social awareness into one constantly evolving artistic vision.
Over the course of twelve years Coliseum released five full length albums and multiple EPs, singles, and splits on a host of labels including: Deathwish, Temporary Residence, Relapse, Level Plane, No Idea, Magic Bullet, Holy Roar, Relfections, Auxiliary (Ryan’s own label), and others.
Released in 2015, “Anxiety’s Kiss” was the fifth album from Coliseum, recorded at The Magpie Cage by producer/engineer J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines). “Anxiety’s Kiss” is a hook-laden maturation of the Coliseum sound. Nods to their early D-Beat leanings are there, but it is their willingness to embrace Post-Punk melody and explore the space between notes that make “Anxiety’s Kiss” so alluring. Confidently growing within the punk world, without ever leaving it behind. A triumphant release that found Coliseum at the peak of their experimental and anthemic powers.